zaterdag 20 oktober 2007

Estonian goodness (eng)

This week, I received a huge box in the mail...

First SP11 package

Turned out to be a surprise from my Secret Pal 11, Liia, from Tallinn (Estonia)! We already had been mailing back and forth a bit, and Liia had made me pretty curious with some questions about lace vs. colorwork knitting.

Her package clearly went into the colorwork / fair isle direction, look at this:

Aino Praakli, Kirikindad I and II

Aino Praakli, Patterned Mittens: looking inside

Two books about traditional Estonian mittens, by Aino Praakli, a researcher who has re-knit mittens from museum collections and has published the patterns. I didn't know much about Estonian mittens before, and I have already spent several hours marvelling at the examples in these booklets; the mitterns look very pure and modern, while incorporating traditional techniques and motifs. I love these patterns very, very much... a good motivation to get started with colorwork soon!

Liia's package also included three (!) bars of chocolate and marzipan (delicious and all gone, of course!) and some other lovely goods:

Wool, cotton, beads, card

A ball of cotton, a bag with beautiful colorful glass beads, a greeting card from Tallinn AND a huuuge ball of rainbow-colored wool. It can be used for knitting + felting (I think this would make a lovely bag!) or for spinning; I'm going to follow a drop spindle workshop on the Stitch 'n Bitch Day on 3 November in Rotterdam so this could become my first handspun as well :-)

A woolen rainbow

In any case, this was a very special package full of beautiful, interesting gifts... I've enjoyed getting a taste of Estonia through it! Thank you, Liia!

8 opmerkingen:

Irma zei

Great gifts!
I have the books as well and they are great for inspiration.
The yarn is 'lopi' and probably excellent for felting

Anoniem zei

Mooie spullen, vooral die boekjes over estse wanten. Ik ben benieuwd of je er nog weat uit gaat maken

Elemmaciltur zei

Wow! You lucky girl. Those two books seem very interesting.

Unknown zei

Wow, you spoiled girl! Those books looks great!

Anoniem zei

Wauw! Die boekjes... wat is dit toch leuk he?!

Tijm zei

Woh, wat heb jij veel leuks gekregen!!
Genieten om zo'n doos te mogen ontvangen en dan uit te pakken. Als lezer, geniet ik met je mee!

Anoniem zei

Wat heb jij veel mooie dingen gekregen zeg! Veel plezier met het spinnen van de wol op de spindle. De twee boekjes lijken me heel interessant.

MoniqueB. zei

Hé, iemand die ik ken in italie ( heeft hier ook aan mee gedaan en kreeg SP11 snail mail uit Berlijn!
Hartstikke leuk zeg; mooie uitwisseling van materiaal en kennis en je kan er zo te zien prachtige dingen mee doen!
Veel plezier!